Алексей Валентинович Вершубский
Доцент, к.ф.-м.н.
Окончил физический факультет МГУ (1985 год).
Защитил кандидатскую диссертацию «Математическая модель кинетических режимов работы структурно-неустойчивой полимерной мембраны» в 1989 году.
Последние публикации
- Vershubskii A. V., Priklonskii V. I., Tikhonov A. N., Oxygenic Photosynthesis: Induction of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence and Regulation of Electron Transport in Thylakoid Membranes In Silico // Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 18, 324 (2025).
- Suslichenko I. S., Trubitsin B. V., Vershubskii A. V. et al., The noninvasive monitoring of the redox status of photosynthetic electron transport chains in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Tradescantia leaves // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 185, 233-243 (2022).
- Vershubskii A. V., Tikhonov A. N., Structural and Functional Aspects of Electron Transport Thermoregulation and ATP Synthesis in Chloroplasts // Biochemistry (Moscow) 86, 92-104 (2021).
- Tikhonov A. N., Vershubskii A. V., Temperature-dependent regulation of electron transport and ATP synthesis in chloroplasts in vitro and in silico // Photosynthesis Research 146, 299-329 (2020).
- Vershubskii A. V., Tikhonov A. N., pH-Dependent Regulation of Electron and Proton Transport in Chloroplasts In Situ and In Silico // Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 14, 154-165 (2020).